Friday, February 9, 2018

Government Shutdown Read All About It!

On Friday, February 9, 2018, Politico published an article on the end of the government shutdown, written by John Bresnahan, Jennifer Scholtes, and Heather Caygle. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House is quoted as saying, “This is a great victory for our men and women in uniform. Republicans and Democrats joined together to finally give our troops the resources and our generals the certainty to plan for the future." Even more money to our nation's military. Trump tweeted saying "Our military will now be stronger than ever before-." FYI the U.S. spends upwards of about 600 billion a year to fund our defense, comparatively our nation gives about 20 billion a year to NASA. At 5:30 a.m. the bill was passed at 240-186. Major win for the GOP, the democrats got some of what they wanted though. This whole fiasco started with Rand Paul holding off the vote until midnight leading to this shutdown. Government shutdown is always an interesting topic. I highly recommend you read the article as well as this follow up article on Politico as well by Sarah Ferris.

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