Friday, March 30, 2018

Guns don't kill students, students kill students

School, it is the turbulent battleground that everyone has and will endure. Bullying, fighting, name-calling, shaming, the list goes on everyone has been guilty or been a victim at some point in their lives. The current debate that followed the Parkland, Florida school shooting is if we should have gun control, and or should we gut the second amendment. The second amendment no doubt needs reform as firearm technology has greatly advanced since the late 1700's. The best Minutemen could get about 3 shots off in a minute; you could go through a few full magazines in an automatic rifle in the same amount of time. To get Americans to give up their guns would be extremely hard. The task would be even harder if you're 15 years old and can't even vote. The bigger problem is with the students and a school system that chews you up and spits you out.

To say students are mean to each other is an understatement. A student will tell their peer to "go kill yourself," and feel zero remorse. Who are these children raised by where they think it is okay to say/do these things? We need more accountability, and we need students to actually care about their peers. In today's school system you feel as if nobody really cares about you. Our government really needs to step in and do something. Because as it stands the school system keeps churning out kids who are bitter and hated their school experience. Many people have psychological issues that aren't diagnosed in school time. For instance, bullying a young kid with depression could cause them to commit suicide. A big step would be to have more counseling for individual students. They could have maybe 1 counselor for every 100-150 students that they could talk to, who could get in-depth and actually get to know the student. Another step could be to not leave anyone left out; typically school shooters often are loners that say that nobody cared about them, especially their peers. Schools could have time devoted to students getting to know one another, talk about problems they are having, etc. This ties into gun control, just because you get rid of guns doesn't mean students won't try to murder their peers with other types of weapons. What will it come to, will we have to get rid of anything dangerous? 

While gun control is a very large issue that won't be resolved anytime soon, getting personal with students can be done. Few would oppose reform to help the children of America get through the rigors of school. We reap what we sow, we have to raise children up better, and not just at school, but at home too. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Donald Trump Vs. Kim Jong Un Coming Soon

I read an article today on ThinkProgress by Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani. Adrienne gives a fairly liberal view on the ordeal. She is senior editor at ThinkProgress and has a Master's of Science in International Relations. Adrienne begins her editorial with a warning on how the talks should be very well conducted to avoid any repercussions. Repercussions meaning at worst all out war with North Korea which would devastate our South Korean allies. I totally agree with Adrienne on how we must take these talks very seriously. "Diplomacy is hard, and it takes a lot of time. Direct talks can help, but everything won't be solved in one meeting."(Varkiani)
The article announced the coming soon meeting between Donald Trump our beloved president, and Kim

Things haven't really been going well between Donald and Kim, Adrienne tells of how they've threatened and insulted one another. I think Donald and Kim have a sort of similar lifestyle, they live lavishly and are in positions of power when they really shouldn't be. Donald and Kim, they're almost like brothers. Adrienne goes on to talk about how it'll be very awkward talks after our president basically said he'd demolish North Korea.

Adrienne also talks about how North Korea has stated they would be open to denuclearization. Which is fantastic news. This is the starting point for Trump to use his famous dealing skills and win over North Korea. With currently no South Korean ambassador we need to get into gear for these talks. The talks will be here before we know it and I just hope Donald can do the right thing and get the ball rolling on North Korea's denuclearization.

The article was well written and informative and contained many quotes which were highly relevant to the topic. I enjoyed the article even though it was a bit boringly written. I feel that if the topic weren't so interesting I wouldn't have wanted to read the entire article. Overall I feel like it does its job on informing the reader well.